Different pharser versions – different performance on different operating systems

After changing the principle of drawing the background with performance, everything became much better, but 20 FPS – this is still not the desired 60 – there was something to work on. By pointing a finger at the sky, it was found that phaser version 2.4.6 works faster on windows 7, and version 2.6.2 is faster on windows 10. Both versions performed equally well on Linux and Mac.

I had to add a condition that connected this or that version of the library, depending on the user’s browser – this increased the FPS on my working machine to 25-30. I did not succeed in raising the FPS higher – I decided to stop at this, because after polling friends / acquaintances who have a seven, the impression was that the problem is rare, and not as serious as it was originally.

Those two points are not the only ones, but the main and most memorable problems with phaser.js – everything else went pretty well.

It is also worth noting that on different machines with windows 7, the performance was different – in some places and without all my body movements, everything was fine, somewhere there were problems similar to those I observed – I could not establish any correlation.